Monday, July 02, 2007

PhRMA Foundation

PhRMA Foundation Awards

Awards support career-development activities of scientists engaging in research that integrated information on molecular or cellular mechanism of action with information on the effects of an agent observed in an intact organism, either in experimental animal or clinical studies or both. (Predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships available.)

The Paul Calabresi Medical Student Fellowship
An introduction to cutting edge translational science as it relates to human drug action. Supports medical/dental students who have substantial interests in research and teaching careers in pharmacology and who are willing to work full time in a specific research effort. Can be undertaken at home school or at another institution.

Health Outcomes/Pharmacoeconomics/Patient Reported Outcomes Research
Spans a broad spectrum of issues from studies evaluating the effectiveness of a particular pharmaceutical intervention to the impact of reimbursement policies on the outcomes of care. (Predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships.)

To promote the use and development of informatics in an integrative approach towards the understanding of human biological and disease processes. Informatics awards will support career development of scientists engaged in research that significantly integrates cutting-edge information technology with advanced biological, chemical, and pharmacological sciences in genetics, genomics, proteomics, systems biology, and molecular epidemiology. (Postdoctoral only.)

Find out more about all of these awards at


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