Friday, March 02, 2007

Council for European Studies Fellowships

From the overview:

"Established in 1971, the CES Fellowship Program has played a crucial role in the early stages of many experts’ careers. The Program serves as the leading source for pre-dissertation fellowships that fund young scholars’ first major research projects in Europe. Since the program’s founding, the Council has awarded more than 500 fellowships, totaling more than $2.0 million.

"By funding young scholar’s first major research projects in Europe, the Fellowship Program encourages these scholars to develop the skills required to research, analyze, and teach European studies. Fellowships provide students with unique opportunities to conduct extensive library research, field-site investigations, and interviews with policymakers and government leaders and foster original and noteworthy research that crosses disciplinary, national, and cultural boundaries."

Those of you thinking about Fulbright might consider these awards, if your projects can be completed in a shorter duration.


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