Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fellowship of the Day: SSRC International Dissertation Research

The 2007 SSRC IDRF application is now available online. These fellowships are for dissertation research outside of the United States, in almost any field in the humanities or social sciences, provided you can explain how your work contributes to the understanding of another culture. Lots of good examples of past successful fellowship titles and subjects on the website, going back to 1997. History and anthropology were big in 2006, apparently, but I did notice a few ethnomusicologists and even an environmental scientist.

Fifty fellowships at $20,000 each are awarded for nine to twelve months of study. That's all of the numbers out of the way. If you have any questions, be sure to email me. And be sure to check out further opportunities through the SSRC. Deadline: November 1, 2006.


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