Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Follow-up to the previous post

I am in fact always available to help you with your proposals, but for the sake of your application and my sanity, don't ask me at the eleventh hour. Until October 15, I'm occupied with giving my standard orientation spiel and interviewing 25 Fulbright candidates. After the 15th, my dance card isn't quite so full, but I do my best work when I have at least a few days to roll your essay over in my mind and see what sticks and what doesn't.

I recently attended a really extraordinary fellowship writing seminar given by Professor Isaac Martin in Sociology to five first- and second-year students, where Professor Martin made the true but sometimes counterintuitive point that when you get to this point in your academic career and you decide to apply for fellowships, you are no longer competing against your peers. An NSF, Javits, or Ford Fellowship recipient in your department can do very good things for its reputation, which in turn helps you when you go to look for jobs. So form writing groups, share your essays, and, if you can, get a professor to talk to you about what makes a good proposal. If you'd like, I'll come to the writing groups myself and pass along what I've learned from reading fellowship essays for a year and a half and attending talks given by program representatives. You'll learn that most vague of traits ascribed to those who get tenure--"collegiality"--and you might even get some money out of it.


Blogger Jess said...

Hi Shannon,
I caught your lecture during welcome week for new grads, and as a result I have been working hard on my fellowship applications since then. Thanks for all your helpful tips! I was surprised and happy to discover that UCSD employs a Fellowship Advisor. What with looming deadlines I can understand how you will be busy until the 15th. I am doing my best to seek outside help from fellow students and faculty in my department with my essay. If you have time, could you shoot me a quick email so I could contact you directly? I lost the notes I took during your presentation (!) I'm at Cheers,
Jessica Jordan
PS - I also maintain a blog about my research should you be interested:

10:21 AM  
Anonymous said...

Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

10:04 PM  

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